A gift from SR to Las Alondras and all his readers, (teaser)

Sylvain Reynard compartió con nosotras muy gentilmente durante el Podcast de apertura de #ElPríncipe este teaser exclusivo que forma parte de un escrito mayor que estará aportando a la complilación de Babies at the Border Compilation. Para mas información sobre esta compilación de historias y como podrías adquirirla, visita su página web aquí: http://babiesattheborder.blogspot.com/

“Darling.” Gabriel’s whispered endearment broke through her musings.
She looked up into his handsome face. His eyes were watchful.
She kissed him lightly and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.
His lips twitched as he submitted to her silent command to sit on the edge of the bed. “And what is madame’s pleasure?” he rumbled, his blue eyes piercing.
“I’m yours, madame.” He lifted his hands and extended them like a cross. “Do with me as you will.”
Sylvain Reynard

Además de SR, mas de cien(100) autores van a aportar escritos para esta compilación y esta noble causa, entre ellos nuestra Alondra MJ. Puedes ver un teaser de su historia en su página de Facebook, autora MJ Grace.